Professional Bio
My professional work history has mainly consisted of lab and field research positions. My first lab position was a research technician in an environmental microbiology lab under Dr. Charles Gerba. It is in this lab where I acquired the fundamental skills necessary for working in a research setting. It was also during my time in this lab that I developed contacts within the waste water industry. After getting my bachelors degrees I took a job with Magna-Flow Environmental as a site and operations manager for a pilot project testing alternative methods of treating biosolids in waste water treatment plants. I gained lots of practical experience during this project, from project planning/management to learning how to operate heavy machinery to working hand in hand with the government and university. After this I began working at a medical diagnostic device startup company called Accelerate Diagnostics where I was a research associate working on product improvement and development in the antimicrobial sensitivity testing area. Since 2018 I have been working at NGS cancer diagnostics company called Resolution Bioscience where I process clinical samples and facilitate R&D and IVD validations.